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4 years ago
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Admin  •  
2 Years Ago
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The Fate of Humankind


As with many of the chapter introduction images, I find myself with the challenge of placing a lot of characters and elements within one scene. So these types of images really become a delicate balancing act between giving the characters their space in the frame and room to breathe so the image doesn't feel too cramped. I think in the future I'd like to push the scale of characters more to create more variety, for example, Prometheus could be much larger. In the end, I feel like the image has a nice operatic rhythm to it as our eyes move around the elements.

As with many of the chapter introduction images, I find myself with the challenge of placing a lot of characters and elements within one scene. So these types of images really become a delicate balancing act between giving the characters their space in the frame and room to breathe so the image doesn't feel too cramped. I think in the future I'd like to push the scale of characters more to create more variety, for example, Prometheus could be much larger. In the end, I feel like the image has a nice operatic rhythm to it as our eyes move around the elements.

In Greek mythology, mortals play crucial roles in reflecting the gods' influence, embodying both virtues and hubris, which ultimately shape their fates. The stories of blessed mortals like the Dioscuri twins and Semele illustrate divine rewards for virtue, while those of prideful figures such as the Titan Prometheus, and cursed Cassandra of Troy, reveal the consequences of defying divine will and the tragic outcomes of their actions.

In Greek mythology, mortals play crucial roles in reflecting the gods' influence, embodying both virtues and hubris, which ultimately shape their fates. The stories of blessed mortals like the Dioscuri twins and Semele illustrate divine rewards for virtue, while those of prideful figures such as the Titan Prometheus, and cursed Cassandra of Troy, reveal the consequences of defying divine will and the tragic outcomes of their actions.

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