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4 years ago
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2 Years Ago
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Zeus, King of the Gods


As you can see from my process images, my first illustration of Zeus was at the beginning of this project, and I naively envisioned him like so many other modern artists, with white hair and beard. It didn't take long for me to dive into the research and look at how the ancient Greeks portrayed him on pottery, as middle aged, to realize that a white haired Zeus wouldn't be an accurate portrayal. This was an early, and very powerful lesson for me, to realize that the best way to move forward on this project would be to adhere as closely as possible to the ancient literary sources and pottery depictions, and ironically, the designs would be all the fresher for it.

As you can see from my process images, my first illustration of Zeus was at the beginning of this project, and I naively envisioned him like so many other modern artists, with white hair and beard. It didn't take long for me to dive into the research and look at how the ancient Greeks portrayed him on pottery, as middle aged, to realize that a white haired Zeus wouldn't be an accurate portrayal. This was an early, and very powerful lesson for me, to realize that the best way to move forward on this project would be to adhere as closely as possible to the ancient literary sources and pottery depictions, and ironically, the designs would be all the fresher for it.

I, Zeus, all-seeing king of the Olympians, sit upon my regal throne high atop the golden palaces of Mount Olympus. I am worshipped for my role in law, order, and justice, and as the king of the sky and thunder I hold aloft my blazing lightning bolt crafted by the Cyclopes. I am also the protector of Xenia; the sacred bond of "guest-host" relations amongst ancient Greeks. For those guests or hosts foolish enough to violate these principles, my divine retribution is swift. Mortals wisely hold festivals in my honor such as the Olympic games, and the temple of Zeus at Olympia holds a colossal statue in my likeness; one of the Seven wonders of the ancient world.

I, Zeus, all-seeing king of the Olympians, sit upon my regal throne high atop the golden palaces of Mount Olympus. I am worshipped for my role in law, order, and justice, and as the king of the sky and thunder I hold aloft my blazing lightning bolt crafted by the Cyclopes. I am also the protector of Xenia; the sacred bond of "guest-host" relations amongst ancient Greeks. For those guests or hosts foolish enough to violate these principles, my divine retribution is swift. Mortals wisely hold festivals in my honor such as the Olympic games, and the temple of Zeus at Olympia holds a colossal statue in my likeness; one of the Seven wonders of the ancient world.

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