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4 years ago
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2 Years Ago
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The Journey of Shades


I found mapping out the geography of the Greek underworld to be a bit of a challenge, as I couldn't find a lot of visual resources or maps to use as reference points. Still, it was a fascinating exercise to visualize the layout of the king and queen, judges, and three realms where shades end up, and it helped me to understand the overview of the journey of the newly deceased shades. Culture's beliefs of the afterlife are endlessly fascinating, and it makes me wonder how the Orphic cults, which believed in reincarnation, intersect with these beliefs of the shades ending up in specific realms.

I found mapping out the geography of the Greek underworld to be a bit of a challenge, as I couldn't find a lot of visual resources or maps to use as reference points. Still, it was a fascinating exercise to visualize the layout of the king and queen, judges, and three realms where shades end up, and it helped me to understand the overview of the journey of the newly deceased shades. Culture's beliefs of the afterlife are endlessly fascinating, and it makes me wonder how the Orphic cults, which believed in reincarnation, intersect with these beliefs of the shades ending up in specific realms.

I, Hades, shall guide you through the murky regions of my underworld kingdom. First, Hermes, the herald god, as Psychopomp(Spirit guide), leads newly deceased shades down into the land of the dead. Next, the shades, (spirits) forget their past lives by drinking from the Rivers Styx and Lethe before passing Cerberus the dreaded, three-headed guard dog. After passing before myself and my queen Persephone, the shades are brought before three Kingly demigods, who judge and send them to three destinations: the Asphodel Meadows for ordinary souls, the Elysian Fields for heroes, or Tartarus for those facing eternal punishment.

I, Hades, shall guide you through the murky regions of my underworld kingdom. First, Hermes, the herald god, as Psychopomp(Spirit guide), leads newly deceased shades down into the land of the dead. Next, the shades, (spirits) forget their past lives by drinking from the Rivers Styx and Lethe before passing Cerberus the dreaded, three-headed guard dog. After passing before myself and my queen Persephone, the shades are brought before three Kingly demigods, who judge and send them to three destinations: the Asphodel Meadows for ordinary souls, the Elysian Fields for heroes, or Tartarus for those facing eternal punishment.

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