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4 years ago
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2 Years Ago
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Hephaestos, God of Craftsmanship


I love the idea of a god of ingenuity having a physical impairment and was eager to visualize him accurately since I don't often see him portrayed this way in modern media. I was also eager to include many of his tools and traps in his lava forge as a sort of Easter egg hunt for folks to pick out and recognize. I took an artist's liberty by portraying his hair and beard as red, but I thought it appropriate for a God associated with fires and forges. I also love the idea of Thetis patiently waiting while he hammers out the armor for her son Achilles at Troy. It's really fun to throw these details in for us folks who love the myths.

I love the idea of a god of ingenuity having a physical impairment and was eager to visualize him accurately since I don't often see him portrayed this way in modern media. I was also eager to include many of his tools and traps in his lava forge as a sort of Easter egg hunt for folks to pick out and recognize. I took an artist's liberty by portraying his hair and beard as red, but I thought it appropriate for a God associated with fires and forges. I also love the idea of Thetis patiently waiting while he hammers out the armor for her son Achilles at Troy. It's really fun to throw these details in for us folks who love the myths.

I am Hephaestos, the God of weaponsmithing, craftsmanship, and fire. Born with a crippled leg, my real talents lay in ingenuity, as I craft marvelous weapons, tools, and traps with my golden hammer and tongs. I craft many legendary objects from myth, such as the banquet automatons on Mount Olympus and the bronze giant Talos appearing in the epic poem Argonautica, among many more objects on display within my forge sanctuary.

I am Hephaestos, the God of weaponsmithing, craftsmanship, and fire. Born with a crippled leg, my real talents lay in ingenuity, as I craft marvelous weapons, tools, and traps with my golden hammer and tongs. I craft many legendary objects from myth, such as the banquet automatons on Mount Olympus and the bronze giant Talos appearing in the epic poem Argonautica, among many more objects on display within my forge sanctuary.

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