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4 years ago
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2 Years Ago
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Greek Gods and Heroes

The pressure was on to create a cover sure to grab a customer's attention when they passed by it in the bookshop. I think I worked on it on and off for 2 weeks. But I'm happy with how it came out. It feels vibrant and has a nice flow of forms leading the eye around. I think it will make a great wall print as well. I'm just glad I was able to create an image that I am satisfied with, as the book cover holds so much importance for the success of the physical product. As artists, sometimes when we approach creating an important image with high expectations, it can really throw us out of the "flow state" and the critical side can chime in too often during the process. This is where establishing your own process through repetition and the years of practice will give you faith in the outcome.

The pressure was on to create a cover sure to grab a customer's attention when they passed by it in the bookshop. I think I worked on it on and off for 2 weeks. But I'm happy with how it came out. It feels vibrant and has a nice flow of forms leading the eye around. I think it will make a great wall print as well. I'm just glad I was able to create an image that I am satisfied with, as the book cover holds so much importance for the success of the physical product. As artists, sometimes when we approach creating an important image with high expectations, it can really throw us out of the "flow state" and the critical side can chime in too often during the process. This is where establishing your own process through repetition and the years of practice will give you faith in the outcome.

In Lockett Studio’s "Greek Gods and Heroes," come, O Muse, let Homer and Hesiod sing of Primordial Gods, the war of the Titans and rise of the Olympians, and the murky depths of Hades’ underworld domain. Let Apollodorus and Diodorus sing of Herakles’ redemption, Orpheus’ mournful lyre, swift-footed Atalanta, King Theseus’s Hubris, Perseus’s valor, the tragic Amazon warrior women, and the Argonauts’ impossible sea quest. Witness the eternal dance of hubris and humility, love and vengeance, glory and homecoming. These tales are not simply faded echoes of forgotten epochs. No! Our heroes live, breathe, and stand ready, inviting you to join them on their grand sagas. So gather your supplies, and muster your courage, as we set sail into the Aegean Sea to be immersed like never before.

In Lockett Studio’s "Greek Gods and Heroes," come, O Muse, let Homer and Hesiod sing of Primordial Gods, the war of the Titans and rise of the Olympians, and the murky depths of Hades’ underworld domain. Let Apollodorus and Diodorus sing of Herakles’ redemption, Orpheus’ mournful lyre, swift-footed Atalanta, King Theseus’s Hubris, Perseus’s valor, the tragic Amazon warrior women, and the Argonauts’ impossible sea quest. Witness the eternal dance of hubris and humility, love and vengeance, glory and homecoming. These tales are not simply faded echoes of forgotten epochs. No! Our heroes live, breathe, and stand ready, inviting you to join them on their grand sagas. So gather your supplies, and muster your courage, as we set sail into the Aegean Sea to be immersed like never before.