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4 years ago
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2 Years Ago
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Olympians of Zeus


This series reminds me of the similar challenges I face in the "Jason and the Argonauts" series; balancing a ton of characters and events crammed into one image for the sake of summary, otherwise I could spend an entire two years just on a separate book for each topic. So my challenge becomes one of balancing many visual elements within one piece, but still giving areas for the room to "breathe" with sufficient sections of negative space. I'm not a fan of art styles that are too busy, crowded or overly detailed, and I'm always seeking to simplify and make my images more minimal. I do believe that "less is more." I would say that one aspect that makes an art piece sublime in my opinion is giving space for sections that remain unpolished and more impressionistic, allowing a viewer to fill in the gaps with their own imagination. In that case, ideally, the work becomes more engaging and interactive for the viewer.

This series reminds me of the similar challenges I face in the "Jason and the Argonauts" series; balancing a ton of characters and events crammed into one image for the sake of summary, otherwise I could spend an entire two years just on a separate book for each topic. So my challenge becomes one of balancing many visual elements within one piece, but still giving areas for the room to "breathe" with sufficient sections of negative space. I'm not a fan of art styles that are too busy, crowded or overly detailed, and I'm always seeking to simplify and make my images more minimal. I do believe that "less is more." I would say that one aspect that makes an art piece sublime in my opinion is giving space for sections that remain unpolished and more impressionistic, allowing a viewer to fill in the gaps with their own imagination. In that case, ideally, the work becomes more engaging and interactive for the viewer.

In my quest to sire diverse Olympian offspring, I, Zeus, lay in union with many more divine consorts. Wise Athena is birthed from my head, While Apollo and Artemis are born in secret upon the island of Delos. Hera and I welcome Ares, Hebe, and Eileithyia, symbols of war, eternal youth, and childbirth. Semele's tragic sacrifice births Dionysus from my thigh, while Maia brings forth Hermes from a mountain cave. Through these unions, I seek to ensure the multifaceted nature of our divine lineage.

In my quest to sire diverse Olympian offspring, I, Zeus, lay in union with many more divine consorts. Wise Athena is birthed from my head, While Apollo and Artemis are born in secret upon the island of Delos. Hera and I welcome Ares, Hebe, and Eileithyia, symbols of war, eternal youth, and childbirth. Semele's tragic sacrifice births Dionysus from my thigh, while Maia brings forth Hermes from a mountain cave. Through these unions, I seek to ensure the multifaceted nature of our divine lineage.

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