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4 years ago
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2 Years Ago
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Deities of Zeus


      In full disclosure, I have to admit that this is an image I've never been too happy with. I don't really like the symmetrical composition, and the "checkerboard" layout of the different groups of deities. As I'm getting older, I've realized that it's ok to not be completely happy with a piece. Its good to strive for excellence, but that perfectionist side of my personality was really suppressing the joy of the process. I've found it's better to use the time and momentum to move onto the next planned image and try not to repeat the same mistakes moving forward. Momentum is a very real thing. In the past I would have beat myself up over the imperfections and got lost in the weeds trying to fix them, but now I embrace the imperfections as lessons, and try to use them as stepping stones on my path to improving my craft.

      In full disclosure, I have to admit that this is an image I've never been too happy with. I don't really like the symmetrical composition, and the "checkerboard" layout of the different groups of deities. As I'm getting older, I've realized that it's ok to not be completely happy with a piece. Its good to strive for excellence, but that perfectionist side of my personality was really suppressing the joy of the process. I've found it's better to use the time and momentum to move onto the next planned image and try not to repeat the same mistakes moving forward. Momentum is a very real thing. In the past I would have beat myself up over the imperfections and got lost in the weeds trying to fix them, but now I embrace the imperfections as lessons, and try to use them as stepping stones on my path to improving my craft.

Having vanquished Typhoeus, I, Zeus, with my Olympian siblings, now reign supreme over the earth, seas, and sky. My union with various wives and consorts resulted in many powerful divine offspring. I father the Horai, goddesses of the seasons and natural order, and the Charites, goddesses of grace and festivity, who attend Aphrodite. My liaison with Demeter brings forth Persephone, goddess of Spring, and with Mnemosyne, I sire the Muses, nine inspiring goddesses of the arts and sciences. Truly, the culmination of my union stands as a testament to my fertility and divine lineage.

Having vanquished Typhoeus, I, Zeus, with my Olympian siblings, now reign supreme over the earth, seas, and sky. My union with various wives and consorts resulted in many powerful divine offspring. I father the Horai, goddesses of the seasons and natural order, and the Charites, goddesses of grace and festivity, who attend Aphrodite. My liaison with Demeter brings forth Persephone, goddess of Spring, and with Mnemosyne, I sire the Muses, nine inspiring goddesses of the arts and sciences. Truly, the culmination of my union stands as a testament to my fertility and divine lineage.

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