As I love illustrating darker themes, Hekate was a pleasure to design and Illustrate. In modern media, she is commonly portrayed in the triple-body form, But I chose to mainly portray in her older form as a single body. Through research, I discovered fascinating details like her bizarre attendants and orange robe, and by incorporating these elements, immediately gave my illustration a uniqueness amongst most modern portrayals. This is one of the reasons I love diving into historical and cultural research, as honoring the details of literary sources really makes my work stand out from the crowd.
As I love illustrating darker themes, Hekate was a pleasure to design and Illustrate. In modern media, she is commonly portrayed in the triple-body form, But I chose to mainly portray in her older form as a single body. Through research, I discovered fascinating details like her bizarre attendants and orange robe, and by incorporating these elements, immediately gave my illustration a uniqueness amongst most modern portrayals. This is one of the reasons I love diving into historical and cultural research, as honoring the details of literary sources really makes my work stand out from the crowd.