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4 years ago
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2 Years Ago
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Ancient Greek Religion


This piece changed as it went along. as you can see in the color sketch it's a cool color palette on a summer or spring afternoon. I chose to change to more of a warmer, Autumn feel because the next image in the book, the Mystery cults, has a primarily cool color palette, so I wanted to have some contrast between the two pieces. ‍

You can see in my first thumbnail sketch that I was working out my values, with some figures being dark on a lighter background, and vice versa; the lighter figures and statues being on a darker background. I always try to think about my values as early as possible as it's one of the most important factors to consider when making an image. I didn't completely follow those initial values, although perhaps I should have. Making art in black and white is a great way to study value before moving into color. An art teacher in art school told me, "There are no wrong colors, only wrong values." Get your values figured out and you'll have laid the proper foundation for your image. ‍‍

This piece changed as it went along. as you can see in the color sketch it's a cool color palette on a summer or spring afternoon. I chose to change to more of a warmer, Autumn feel because the next image in the book, the Mystery cults, has a primarily cool color palette, so I wanted to have some contrast between the two pieces. ‍

You can see in my first thumbnail sketch that I was working out my values, with some figures being dark on a lighter background, and vice versa; the lighter figures and statues being on a darker background. I always try to think about my values as early as possible as it's one of the most important factors to consider when making an image. I didn't completely follow those initial values, although perhaps I should have. Making art in black and white is a great way to study value before moving into color. An art teacher in art school told me, "There are no wrong colors, only wrong values." Get your values figured out and you'll have laid the proper foundation for your image. ‍‍

We ancient Greeks practice a polytheistic, or multiple gods, belief system honoring the Olympian Gods, cthonic deities, hero demi-gods, and localized nature deities. Because there are no unified or canonized religious texts, there is no standardized set of practice. Temples and sacred sites, such as the Acropolis and the Sanctuary of Asclepius, serve as centers of worship and pilgrimage. Beliefs in the afterlife, including concepts of Hades and Elysium, influence funerary practices and the rituals surrounding death and the passage to the next world.

We ancient Greeks practice a polytheistic, or multiple gods, belief system honoring the Olympian Gods, cthonic deities, hero demi-gods, and localized nature deities. Because there are no unified or canonized religious texts, there is no standardized set of practice. Temples and sacred sites, such as the Acropolis and the Sanctuary of Asclepius, serve as centers of worship and pilgrimage. Beliefs in the afterlife, including concepts of Hades and Elysium, influence funerary practices and the rituals surrounding death and the passage to the next world.

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